How to Uninstall

If you decide to uninstall a ShopStorm app for any reason, you may do so by following this step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit your Apps page, found at the bottom-left hand side of your shop's admin page:

   2. Click the " X" next to the app you're uninstalling:

   3. A pop-up will appear that reads " Remove [App Name] ?", click Delete:

4. An optional step is to remove the app's snippets from your theme's files. If you would like assistance in completing this step, please  contact us.

Our apps are billed through Shopify, so you will not need to separately cancel or remove billing after uninstalling. Depending on where you are in your billing cycle, you may see one final charge on your next Shopify bill.

Lastly, if you wouldn't mind taking a second to fill us in on why the app is no longer right for you, we would love to hear your feedback!  You can let us know here.

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